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*On his forehead is light, whose sword tip is red (with blood)
ځه د توري ووزي ئي سور وي د هغه په ټنده نور وي

*Good looks and brave deeds accompany each other.
يو په سل، او سل په خاورو

*One brave man is equal to one hundred cowards.
توري يا با تور وهي، يا ئي له غمه سور وهي

*When the wolf gets red, he becomes an ugly customer.
ليوه چه سور کيږي ګنده کيږي

*Bannuchi say this of wazirs, but its general application is that a bad man.
پنړي په پښو کښي څرګنديږي او ميړه په بدو کښي بلنګ کيږي

*Against a sword assume a shield, against words a bold front.
توري ته ګنډي نيسه ، خبرو ته تندي نيسه

*Desire a man's disposition, and a lion's heart.
د ميړه خوي او د زمري زړه غواړه

*The sword's fellowship is sweet.
د توري وروري خوږه ده

*One brave man admires another.
ميړه په عمل څيروه ، غټ او ووړئي مه څيروه

*The sword is wielded through family

توري په پيډ و هلي شي

*That is, its use is almost natural to men of good family.
ميړه چه ميړه وي، لور ئي چاړه وي

*May you rather die in fight.
په تورو مړ شي ځويه نه چه دښمن ته خړ شي ځويه

*The tiger rends his prey, the jackal, too, benefits by it.
زمري ما ته وکه د ګيدړ هم په ښه شي

*The load which the ass won't carry, you yourself will carry.
بار چه خر نه وړي نو په خپله به ئي وړي

*When a brave man can't get assistance readily.
زه د بوره يم خو چه ميدان پرينږدي

*Said by a mother to her son.
چه و تړي برګونه مال ئي نه خوري نور ميړو نه

*Who passes through in one (case), becomes a lion in another
چه په يوه تير شي په بله شير شي

*Who has the power to fight lays conference aside.
چه اختيار د جنګ لري پوښتنه په څنګ لري

*Although there are many roads, for men there is only one.
لاري ډيري دي خو د ميړو لار يوه ده

*True men are not God, but are not without God either.
ميړونه که خداي نه دي، بي خدايه هم نه دي

*That is, though not equal to God, yet receive help from him.
نند ارڅي باتور دي

Let each one turn his mind to his own troubles. 

خپل کار سره کار لره

*There is no proverb which is not true.
داسې متل نشته چې رښتيا نه وي

*Time softens all grieves.
وخت د هر غم دوا دى

*Time flies never to be recovered.
تللى وخت بېرته په لاس نه راځي

*He that respects is respected.
عزت کوه عزت به دې کېږي

*He that marries for wealth sells his liberty.
شتمنه ښځه به درنه غلام جوړوي

*Every wrong is avenged on earth.
دلته دم او قدم دواړه په حساب دي

*You cannot do anything by doing nothing.
کار په کولو کېږي

*Skill is stronger than strength.
د طاقت نه مهارت ښه دى

Learning makes a good man better, and an ill man worse.
علم د ښه سړي نه ډېر ښه او د بد سړي نه ډېر بد جوړوي

*Every man know his job very well
خپل کار سره کار لره

*There is no proverb which is not true.
داسې متل نشته چې رښتيا نه وي

*Time softens all grieves.
وخت د هر غم دوا دى

*Time flies never to be recovered.
تللى وخت بېرته په لاس نه راځي

*He that respects is respected.
عزت کوه عزت به دې کېږي

*He that marries for wealth sells his liberty.
شتمنه ښځه به درنه غلام جوړوي

*Every wrong is avenged on earth.
دلته دم او قدم دواړه په حساب دي

*You cannot do anything by doing nothing.
کار په کولو کېږي

*Skill is stronger than strength
د طاقت نه مهارت ښه دى

*Though you are of the border, I am of the woods.
که ته د ور غړ يي زه ده ځنګل يم

*The clod does not miss the dock-eared dog.
لوټه له بوړي سپي نه خطا کيږي

*Such dogs are the best fighters
د ميړه يا ترپ دي يا ئي خړپ

*There won't be a crossing,If there be not Gold, there won't be Eid.
چه سر نه وي ګودر نه وي، چه زر نه وي اختر نه وي

*A dog of a fellow may be a good swordsman.
د ميړه خو ډول ګوره، توري سپي سړي وهي

*When forming judgement as to a man's worth
اغزي چه تيره وي له کمه ځايه وي

*The beggar spends the night wherever it is convenient.
Da faqeer che charta kha halta ye shpa.

*The tree may live for a hundred years, while the bird will perch in it for only one night.
Da ooney sal kaala umar dey kho da marghay pakey yawa shpa da.

*Woman is the lamp of the family.
Khaza da koor chiraagh dey.

*A whining mouth and proud words
Khwara khola au sarbey khabaray.

*If you ask for water from “Abasin” it seems that you are not thirsty.
Da abaseen na che uuba ghwaray tagey na ye.

*Allah is Clean and so is his court.
Allah hum paak darbaar ye hum paak.

*A drowning man catches at a straw.
Uuboo woray har booti ta laas achvee.

*Water always seeks a lower level.
Uuba pa khkata zor kavee.

*Water cannot be separated with a club.
Uba pa daang na byalegi.

*Manners can be learned from the manner-less.
Adab la bey adaba zda kegi.

*The world is coming to an end, the cocks(roosters) are friends.
Akhira zamana shwa da chargaano yaarana shwa.

*The Eid is not a secret husband.
Akhtar pat meerah na dey.

*After Eid, of what use is henna ? Paint the walls with it.
Akhtar che tair shi no nakreezay pa dewal utapa.

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